

Company Name:  

1. Please compare the components of DoB System with other trading software (select one of the "worse", "equal", "better"):

  • • DoB user interface  
  • • DoB overall appearance
  • • DoB performance during manual trading
  • • DoB performance during automatic trading

2. Please tell is it easier to use DoB System comparing to other trading software (select one of variants): 

3. Please tell what is the level of DoB System technical support, comparing with other providers: 

4. Please tell what is the level of DoB System hot-line support, comparing with other systems: 

5. What is the DoB software maintenance by programmers (bug fixes, adding new functionality, implementation of custom requests), comparing with other software: 

6. If you have any additional comments regarding DoB System comparison with other trading software, please type them in the text box below:

Enter the picture digits    

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